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Rice Husk Silica

EKASIL is a manufacturer of high-purity amorphous silica or silicon dioxide from rice husk in Thailand. The project employs a patented technology that has not only been successfully scaled up and proven on an industrial scale but also specially designed to optimise rice husk utilisation and business profits. Currently, the plant extracts rice husk silica at an initial capacity of 50 tons/month from 300-ton rice husk processing with an IRR of up to 27% within a 3-year payback period.


Invest in Technology?

EKASIL silica extraction technology is specifically designed to maximise rice husk utilisation with the highest business profits possible. The technology generates an IRR of up to 27% with a short payback period of 3 years.   


Buy Rice Husk Silica?

EKASIL rice husk silica is the environmentally-friendly amorphous silica products that contains very high and stable silica purity with physico-chemical properties that are adjustable to a wide range of user industries.

เทคโนโลยีสกัดซิลิกาจากแกลบ Silica extraction from rice husk_edited.jpg

EKASIL Technology

First proven technology for industrial rice husk silica extraction

10 years of research in collaboration with world-renowned R&D institutes

Green technology, non-polluting, good for environment 

High profits with IRR up to 27% in 3-year payback period

Guaranteed with patents and certificates for industrial production

Technical support from chemical engineering expertise team 

High performance with stable large-scale production 

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2 sites successfully operated in two different countries

Sales support with customers at hand to buy silica products

เทคโนโลยีผลิตซิลิกาจากแกลบ Silica Extraction from Rice Husk
เทคโนโลยีผลิตซิลิกาจากแกลบ Silica Extraction from Rice Husk

EKASIL Rice Husk Silica

Environmentally friendly silica products, non-polluting

Amorphous silica  without crystalline structure

CSR & PR for using environmentally-friendly products

High purity silica content up to more than 99.99% 

Better price compared to other silica products in the market

Wide range of user industries, covering all applications

Adjustable physico-chemical properties for specific requests 

Stable specifications and properties for specific applications

Flexible customisation of specifications and properties

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